Actresses in two movies The director asked the child of the daughter.

Director sexually wanted to be a heroine in films. Let's start heroine in the next two films. According to the complaint filed by the 19-year-old Marathi actress, the director told me that she should be replaced. The complainant is also the choreographer. The girl complained to Vakad police station against Apa Pawar, owner of the Chirang Studio in Kalwadi. Appa Pawar is absconding The police said that he would soon be caught. I want to be famous. But the girl says she does not want to leave her dignity for that. He has choreographed many music videos and shows.
On the 4th of this month, when the director of the new Marathi film was looking for a new face he called him, he invited me to screen test and interview. The director and two producers were in the studio. The call was sent to their office last night. Apparently, the assistant sky of App Power was selected for the film. Sooner Pawar called himself to the room. She has offered two major actresses in the lead roles. Instead, he asked me to yield to him. The girl says that she did not say anything.

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